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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome, One And All!

Hello :)

My name is Callie, self proclaimed "it" girl. I have fire and passion for just about everything that goes on in my hectic life, whether be it work, play, or my wonderful significant other, Sam.

For as young as I am (22!) I have a lot to say. And in order to voice my opinions and share my thoughts, I have decided to create this blog. I have also taken the initiative to kind-of, sort-of start my own business, Female Extraordinaire. Basically what I have to offer the world through Female Extraordinaire, are some of the things I do best:

Event Planning
Clothing Design, Repair, Construction
Craft Ideas
Simple, Tasty Recipes
Relationship Advice
Shopping Steals & Deals
Fashion Advice & Secrets
Beauty Recommendations
Product & Business Reviews
Money Making & Saving

Interested? I would hope so. I am still working out a lot of kinks right now, but I wanted to get a head start on getting myself out there. For now, my intent is to blog daily about one or more areas of my interest and passion. Additionally, my services will be offered to the people in the Northeast Nebraska area and beyond. I have not yet come up with pricing, but I can bet you I will be an affordable investment when it come to planning your wedding, creating you a custom outfit, helping decorate your space, making the best hors d'oeuvres and appetizers for your dinner party, and more!

For now, if you have any questions, please email to get a hold of me.

Stay tuned for more info!

"It" Girl, Callie Reeves


  1. Love it! Looking forward to learning from the plethora of information you are promising. Great job!

  2. Thank you Bonnie!
    I appreciate the support SO MUCH!
    Keep checking in with me and let all of your friends know what I'm up to!
